Turning Down the Power of Pain

By Allison Runchey, HTCP

Whether you have a sore hip, shoulder, knee, or some other type of physical discomfort, pain can be draining emotionally and mentally. It can often limit daily activities and even influence life choices. If you’ve experienced this, I can relate to you because I’ve been there. For several years, chronic pain made it difficult to do things I enjoy, like taking a walk, dancing, and swimming. After trying several ways to address it, I found Healing Touch. It helped reduce the power that pain held in my life on physical, mental, and emotional levels, and continues to soothe flare-ups. And that’s one reason why I’m passionate about sharing it with others. 

Pain can be triggered for many reasons, such as an illness, injury, or trauma. Whether you recently had surgery or cancer treatment, or if you’re a trauma survivor, several research studies have found that Healing Touch can help reduce pain you as you recover.  

Through light touch on the body and in the energy field surrounding it, Healing Touch takes a gentle, holistic approach and is complementary to any other methods you may be using to manage pain. It restores the flow of subtle energy to the affected area, which is often constricted as our bodies naturally attempt to protect us from pain by tightening the muscles or holding a certain posture. From there, Healing Touch techniques can be used to treat the entire body, as well as the mind and spirit, acknowledging that many factors may be contributing to pain and bringing them into harmony energetically. 

Most clients experience deep relaxation during Healing Touch sessions, which allows greater blood flow to major muscle groups and eases tension. Another theory for how Healing Touch improves chronic pain is that it changes the sensory dynamics of the brain. According to this model, chronic pain is related to maladaptive ways that the brain perceives the painful body parts. Oppositely, techniques such as Healing Touch initiate beneficial changes within the brain by treating the entire body, guiding the person’s focus to non-painful areas through gentle touch. This broadens and changes how the brain experiences the body as a whole and contributes to pain reduction. 

If you’re curious about how Healing Touch could help you, or want to learn more, I’d be glad to talk with you. Sign up for a free Energy Exploration session, or email me at allisondawnenergyhealing@gmail.com