by Debbie Zuckerman, Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Ready to set a goal to improve your wellbeing? Think SMART!
SMART = Specific + Measurable + Actionable + Realistic + Time Bound
This approach to goal-setting is intended to be more motivating and achievable than a goal that is vague, generic, and even guilt-ridden.
Here is a guide to get you started with a SMART goal.
Specific - To what degree is your goal specific? The more specific the goal, the more likely you will be able to measure and achieve it.
I will get 8 hours of quality sleep at least 5 nights a week.
Measurable - How will you measure success? Consider ways to measure in addition to tracking data, such as mood changes, physical improvements, and energy level.
I will use a device to track quality sleep and journal about how I feel each morning and evening.
Actionable - What actions will you take to achieve your goal? Do you have the resources to make it happen? Would smaller steps be more manageable?
I will need to get into bed 30 minutes prior to give myself time to fall asleep,
listen to relaxation music, and turn off technology by 9pm.
Realistic - Does this goal align with your values? Is it a priority over other goals? Does it serve a purpose in your life?
I want to improve my mood and energy levels so I can be more productive
and present at work and in my personal life - more sleep is a must!
Time Bound - When will you start this goal and by when do you want to achieve it?
I will sleep from 10:30pm-6:30am, Monday-Friday, starting next Monday, and will evaluate
my progress two weeks from now. I will modify my goal if needed at that time.
If you are looking to make a change, try this SMART goal approach and see where it takes you!
For more information about SMART goals or to book a session with me, click here or contact me at