What Occupational Therapy Means to Me by Meghan Markson

What Occupational Therapy Means to Me

As an Occupational Therapist, my job is to help people navigate daily life with more ease to enhance their health and wellness.   My focus is to equip people with tools for life organization and stress management.  

With that perspective, I see people as feeling confident, successful, and fulfilled when three factors overlap positively: the person, their environment, and the occupations (activities) they engage in.   

For the person factor, we may identify personal values, set goals, look at barriers and how to overcome them, or determining the state of the physical, sensory, mental, emotional, and spiritual or energetic self. 

When addressing the environment factor, we may work on modifying the person’s surroundings so that it works better with their sensory preferences.    

With occupations, we may try body tapping, weighted blankets, time and energy management strategies, meditation or mindfulness activities, Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Reiki, Healing Touch, Spring Forest Qigong, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or other strategies. 

All in all, my goal is to help you shed some layers of stress and to find more clarity, peace, and organization in your life. Contact me for an initial consultation: meghan.markson@gmail.com