Learning objectives of Discovering Your Path:
This event will help you get out of the rut of fixing yourself, your situation or relationships and move into creating what you want in your life. The desires of your Soul can reveal themselves through the creative process. Only when we know our deepest desires will we naturally move toward them. Robert Fritz writes in his book, The Path of Least Resistance, "We have been trained to think of situations that are inadequate for our aspirations as problems. When we think of them as problems, we try to solve them. When you are solving a problem, you are taking action to have something go away: the problem. When you are creating you are taking action to have something come into being: the creation. Notice that the intentions of these actions are opposite."
To register: click here.
Feedback from previous participants:
"The workshop that I attended was a life changing experience. I was surrounded by a nurturing group of people seeking the same answers that I was looking for. Why am I here? What am I suppose to be doing? Guide me? I started to realize that the answers were in me!!! Not anyone else. I needed to look inward to find my authentic self.
The whole experience was personally insightful and gently guided me to look inward for the answers that I was seeking. I yearned for a deeper connection with myself. I didn't know how to get there. Laure taught me to listen to my intuition.
The workshop had me tune into my inner thoughts and soul to find the answers that were right in front of my face the whole time. I learned to trust myself and my experience. Also learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. It's quite necessary in every day authentic interactions to become uncomfortable and vulnerable. However, only if I choose to be. Nothing can be forced....has to come from a place of love and less attachment to expectations from the other person."
"The workshop offered me a day of learning and renewal. Laure’s leadership and teaching gave me new insights that I continue to ponder three months later. Her leadership provided me safe space to experiment with expressing myself artistically, which I especially enjoyed. I appreciate Laure’s knowledge, sensitivity and wisdom and look forward to more."